Worlds Largest Cupcake

So one Sunday morning I woke up to see Duff from Food Networks Ace of Cakes on a local news show. He was at Mall of America with the World's Largest Cupcake. Carson, Earl and I love watching Ace of Cakes. Since Mary Alice wasn't there (Earl's favorite) he stayed home with one week old baby Dayne and Carson and I got to have a date together at MOA....meeting Duff and Jeff and going on rides at the new Nickelodeon park at MOA.

Photos of Dayne from the beginning of April are also included

Worlds Largest Cupcake

Duff and Jeff from Ace of Cakes

Carson riding train at MOA

Carson on hot air balloon ride at MOA

Carson with Cupcake

Duff and Jeff signing a photo for Carson

Carson with the photo and guys in back

Cuddles with mom

so sweet

tiny angel

I love when he holds the paci
